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19 July 2013 Uploaded on
22 July 2013
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Needing a walk and something new to photograph I racked my brain for ideas and out came the maps. It had been mentioned to me that there was an old airfield near Willingale. After a bit of research using the trusted Ordnance Survey, Google Earth old images form the web I was able to locate where the airfield had been and more importantly, where the remains where. Time to drive out, park up and start exploring. The weather was hot and really certainly not the weather for Photography, however I decided that a good recy would good so I could go back another time. The Weather was really too hot to walk very far in open fields and I should not of worn short. Nettles everywhere made it hard to get close to the derelict buildings. I was successful and found a couple of good buildings. One was particularly good inside although very I had to be very careful of rusting steel work hanging from the ceiling. I trip back will be in Order.