Windows are there to let light in, but also to look through.

It is very difficult to pass a window without glancing through it, even if without thinking about it.  There seems to be some sort automatic curiosity wired into our brains.  Photography through windows can add something to an otherwise simple scene and lifts the image.  Eugine Atget, a French photographer became a know for taking images of shop windows and I stumbled across his work many years ago.

By accident, after looking through a number of images I had taken for other projects, I started to realise that I had a habit or an intrigue for photographing through windows.  Perhaps it was the framing of two images in one that would work off each other; the juxtaposition that instigated this technique rather than an awareness of Eugine’s work.  I am not really sure but do like utilising this compositional trick to often combine to elements into one story.