Water is a very intriguing substance for photographers, and it is amazing how many images include it without it being the crucial element. Lee Big Stopper filters have become popular and being heavily used to create long exposures of water result milky seas. Similar techniques have been used for years on waterfalls to create wispy water utopic serene feelings.
One of my GSCE projects in photography was indeed waterfalls and I experimented heavily understanding who to render water in different circumstances. Not always did I want serene feeling, sometimes I wanted harshness to complement the harsh surrounds. At school I moved onto reflections and in particular, reflections in water. Although I became quire preoccupied with this subject and was highly excited with the early results, I never actually felt I completed to project and did not submit the images as part of my final portfolio. Fast forward many years, and I still become excited by taking pictures which involve water. Yes, I have done the classic long exposures, but I also developed a series that involved my daughters creating a very different feel. From falling backwards into a pool in sunny conditions to a sinister face breaking the surface staring at you, I have managed to achieve a range of emotions and feelings. It is still fascinating me and I love the refractions which distort images.
Water, is still a project that is very much still developing and I am sure will continue until I stop taking images.
Here are few images which I am sure will continue to grow.