Don’t Be Square

Starting off by discussing what I could possibly mean by such a talk title, the talk weaves through photographic myths, Chinese whispers and cliché’s we hear in within Camera Clubs.  It challenges the members to think about their photography, their style, their aims, their motivation and has that changed since joining a club?

Using many of my own images as well as others, we discuss what is considered to be a good image within a camera club and whether it is relevant. During a fun interactive evening, the classic judge’s cliché’s are examined and we decide whether they completely true.  By the end of the evening the members are able to answer why I used the title, are aware of the dangers of conformity and are energised to really fulfil their photography journey.

Cost £50 + Expenses  


“Thank you so much for your fantastic talk at Maldon Camera Club last week!” 

“...everyone was saying how much they enjoyed your talk. It made us think about our photography and how we can challenge ourselves and keep developing and learning in new and exciting ways.”