Aviation has always been an interest of mine.  From a very young age, I remember dropping my father off or picking him up at the airport.  Fortunately, the airport had large windows that allowed me to look down upon the apron and marvel at the aircraft.  Over the years I have visited airshows and of course flown many times for leisure and business, but still aircraft fascinate me to the point that I gave up my career in business to work at the UK’s busiest airport. Heathrow.

Not all people are quite so interested in different aircraft, therefore, to share my fascination for aircraft with others in photographic terms requires focusing in on aspects of the aircraft and once again there is no need to show the aircraft as a whole. The beautiful lines and shapes of parts of the aircraft our often so photogenic but they can also be illustrative of the amazing design of the aircraft.

Here are some images which I am sure will be added to quite regularly.